Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Pleasure, Disappointment and a Sense of Trepidation

As I sit and write this before our second Open Evening, I have mixed feelings about a range of things: pleasure, disappointment and a sense of trepidation.

Our students continue to amaze me with their enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and effervescence.  Yesterday, I was delighted to learn that once again our netball team have been crowned County Champions (against the odds, on this occasion, with injuries to two key players).  I feel incredibly proud and want to congratulate the girls on achieving this outstanding feat.  I am absolutely delighted and know how hard they have worked in training and as a team.  Very well done.

Last night Mike Rogerson and I were present at the Vice-Chancellor's Celebration Event at the University of Hull.  We saw two of our former students receiving the Vice- Chancellor's Scholarship of £27,000 each.  I am certain that this will have a transformational effect on the students concerned and I am so pleased for them as they are both so deserving.

Positive comments about our students, which are unsolicited and unexpected, always make my day.  Whilst at the University, the Dean of the Health Faculty and the Pro-Vice Chancellor came over to me to tell me how brilliant our students and staff had been the previous night, when they attended an evening talk by a renowned geneticist.  I was thrilled to learn that the students and staff had been so "engaging, enthusiastic and enquiring".  Why am I not surprised?

On Monday, after the "Last Post" to commemorate Remembrance Day, once again the response of the whole College community was excellent.  I could have heard a "pin drop" as a mark of respect during the silence and I was particularly delighted with a round of applause for our student who played the cornet.

My pleasure in popping into lessons this morning and witnessing the outstanding learning taking place knows no bounds.  This is what Wyke Sixth Form College is about and I am so thrilled to be a part of this community.

Some of our PE students and staff returned from their week in Wales earlier in the term.  I believe that this was hugely successful and has had a huge influence on how they learn, work and support each other in achieving their goals.

Last week, like many of you, I too watched in amazement at President Obama's victory for the second term in the USA through the "mobilisation of the young and disadvantaged" as well as women.  I stayed up until 3.00 a.m. and was feeling quite smug until our Head of Social Science Faculty and 'political Guru' informed me that he had been up all night.  Wow!

So what am I disappointed with?  I guess the dismal performance of my beloved Leeds United, and the recent announcement that the Government had made the decision, "after consultation", that January exams for AS and A2 level will be scrapped.  Isn't it interesting that almost all of my colleagues and teacher friends had predicted that this would happen, almost a year ago, despite responding to the "consultation"?  As Bob Dylan would say in Ballad of a Thin Man,

            "Because something is happening here
            But you don't know what it is
            Do you, Mister Jones?"

So, what about trepidation?  I guess, without any doubt, being "asked" (press-ganged) to take part in the Gangnam Style promotional video next week.  I am really not sure whether it will be promotional or a humiliation.

I hope the Open Evening is a success and have a great month.